Think again about that underwater reef. The reason why there are so many beautiful fishes there is because each of them are specialists. They’re not trying to steal from each other, they’re not trying to rain on each other’s parade. They’re just doing their thing within their zone. You should do the same damn thing. Seriously. If you want to be successful, you need to march to the tune of your own drummer.

Now, this is going to be scary for most people because, hey, let’s face it, most people are conformists and won’t use . Most people want to be just like everybody else. What drives this need? Again, very simple: fear. We don’t like to stick out. We don’t like to be the odd man out. We don’t like to disturb the scene.

But the problem is, if you don’t do that, you’re not going to stand out. It’s as if the whole scene is camouflaged and everybody’s moving around kind of like a school of fish, and if a shark bites one end of the sardine school, or the other end, it tastes the same. It’s the same fish basically. In other words, you have to stand out, that’s why I would suggest that you start acting more like a clown fish.

A clown fish is very brightly colored, but its key to success is that it hangs out in the anemone patches. Anemones sting you if you get too close. Obviously, clown fishes have lots of predators because they’re so brightly colored. But they hang out in the anemones, and the anemones don’t sting them. It’s a nice little comfy relationship. What do the anemones get out of this? Well the clown fish clean them up. So it’s a win-win situation.

Blogged Under: Dating
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